38 / Trenn- und Schruppscheiben www.youtube.com/NortonAbrasivesEMEA TRENN- UND SCHRUPPSCHEIBEN TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN FORMSCHLÜSSEL BF 27 BF 41 BF 42 GEKRÖPFTE SCHRUPPSCHEIBEN GERADE TRENNSCHEIBEN GEKRÖPFTE TRENNSCHEIBEN Erhältlich in Durchmessern 76 - 230 mm für handgeführte Maschinen. Erhältlich in Durchmessern 40 - 400 mm für handgeführte Maschinen und 250 - 400 mm für stationäre Maschinen. Erhältlich in Durchmessern 76 - 230 mm für handgeführte Maschinen. Anwendung: Schruppen Anwendung: Trennen Anwendung: Trennen TRENNSCHEIBEN FÜR STATIONÄRE MASCHINEN & TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN PERSÖNLICHE SCHUTZAUSRÜSTUNG Schutzbrille, Gehörschutz, Schutzhandschuhe, Staubmasken und bei riskanten Einsätzen Gesichtsschutz; Lederschürzen und Sicherheitsschuhe müssen getragen werden. Keine defekten Schleifscheiben einsetzen Nur zum Trennen (ISO 7010) Trocken (ISO 7010) Nicht freihändig verwenden (ISO 7010) Anweisungen lesen (ISO 7010) Gehörschutz (ISO 7010) Schutzbrille (ISO 7010) Schutzhandschuhe (ISO 7010) Atemschutz (ISO 7010) Nur zulässig zum Schruppen mit einem Winkel von mehr als 10° Nur für völlig geschlossene Maschinen geeignet Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-held grindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do n Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable Wear e Wear pr Refer to instru Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithh Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-held grindi gmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suit ble for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-heldgrindingmachine (ISO7010 Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged rinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (IS 7010) Refer to instruction manual/book e (ISO 7010) ISO 7010) wet grinding Donot usewithhand-heldgrindingmachine (ISO7010) on (ISO 7010) an angle greater than 10° h a back-up pad rinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do ot use for w t g indin (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enc os d machines Wear eye p otection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a m sk (ISO 7010) Only suitable for w t g indin Donot usewithhand- eldgrindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear p otection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater tha 10° Only t be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grindin (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for tot lly-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-held grindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet gri ding (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective gloves (ISO 7010) Refer to instruction manual/bookl t (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-heldgrindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (IS 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not for wet grin ing (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wear protective lov s (ISO 7010) Refer to instruc ion ma ual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear mask (ISO 7010) On y uitable f r wet grindin Donot usewithhand-heldgrindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for gr ding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only su table for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 7010) Wea protect ve gloves (ISO 7010) Ref r to instruction manual/booklet (ISO 7010) Wear a mask (ISO 7010) Only suitable for we grinding Donot usewithhand-held grindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protectio (ISO 7010) Only p mitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) Do not use if damaged Do not use for wet grinding (ISO7010) Only suitable for totally-enclosed machines Wear eye protection (ISO 701 ) Wear protective loves (ISO 7010) Refer to ins ruction manual/b oklet (ISO 7010) W ar a mask (ISO 7010) O ly suitable for wet grinding Donot usewithhand-heldgrindingmachine (ISO7010) Wear ear protection (ISO 7010) Only permitted for grinding at an angle greater than 10° Only to be used with a back-up pad Do not use for face grinding (ISO7010) SCHLEIFMITTEL A KORNGRÖßE 30 HÄRTEGRAD S BINDUNGSART BF27 A = Aluminiumoxid C = Siliziumkarbid Z = Zirkonkorund NQ = Keramik Grob 16 20 24 Mittel 30 bis 60 Fein 80 bis 100 Weich N O P Mittel Q R S Hart T U V B = Kunstharzbindung BF = Kunstharzbindung mit Glasfaserverstärkung PRODUKTSPEZIFIKATION